Copyright Policy
All content, including but not limited to photographs, videos, and written material, published on this website or delivered to clients is the exclusive intellectual property of Nat Carter Artography, LLC, protected under U.S. and international copyright laws.
Permitted Use
Clients and website visitors may view, download, and share watermarked content strictly for personal, non-commercial purposes, provided the content remains unmodified and proper attribution is given to Nat Carter Artography, LLC. Any other use requires explicit written consent.
Prohibited Actions
The following actions are strictly prohibited without prior written permission from Nat Carter Artography, LLC:
1. Commercial Use: Using the images or videos for advertisements, marketing, or other commercial purposes.
2. Publication or Posting of Unedited Work: Sharing or publishing unedited versions of the work in any form or platform.
3. Modification: Altering the work, including but not limited to cropping, applying filters, or editing in any way.
4. Redistribution: Distributing the work to third parties or selling the work in any format.
Unauthorized use of copyrighted materials will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law, including issuing takedown requests and seeking financial compensation for damages.
Contact Information
For licensing inquiries or to request permission for specific uses, please contact Nat Carter Artography, LLC via the contact form on our website or email us at